Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Been a Week Since I Last Blogged and I Need to Graduate So...

Yikes. Has it been a week since I last blogged? You're slacking Michaud...

Well not much has been going on on terms of my project. I still need to get some interviews done, as well as talk to my aunt about what I need for my presentation. But you see, I get so distracted by the internet...it's only ever interesting when you actually have work to do.

But alas, it will continue to get slower for another two weeks. I know. You all look forward to my fabulous entries. Well here's the thing: to make my self feel better about myself I took two AP classes. AP English I can handle...AP Environmental Science...no...bad move. Both APs are in two weeks and I feel utterly unprepared for them. So, since I want the credits in college, I have to do well on these exams. Journal time will have to be cut back to make way for studying. It also doesn't help that my senioritis is growing stronger and stronger each day. It's like the dark side...once you go lazy, it totally consumes you. I'm sorry that that episode of House is way more entertaining than writing notes on water quality. YOLO

What's up on the media front? Well, TV seasons are wrapping up. Once that happens then we sweetly enjoy summer movie season. And oh, how this is going to be a good one. Not only do we have The Avengers, a movie I've been waiting for since I was 14 years old, but alas, we also have The Dark Knight Rises. Now if you have seen my car (and by car I mean Nicest Car 2012), you know that I cannot wait for this movie.
And my mom said that I would look like a nerd driving this car!

Oh man once I start blogging I can't stop.

I mentioned about about The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. I have so many feelings about this. Both of these movies are sequels and continuations of movies that came out in 2008. 2008 was the year Iron Man came out. Believe it or not, that movie spawned my love of movies. No joke. I used to hate action films until I fell in love with Robert Downey Jr, and the rest is history. Now all I do is wait by the mailbox on Saturdays for Entertainment Weekly to come so I can get my media fix. I remember hearing that Iron Man was the movie to make way for The Avengers in 2012. That was so far away then...now that's in two weeks. 2008 was also the year I saw The Dark Knight three times in literally one week. Now that all these movies are coming back again, it's like reliving that awesome year of just watching movies. But you know what takes the cake? My favorite show of all time, Avatar the Last Airbender, ended in the summer of 2008. Now the next series just came out a week ago: The Legend of Korra. Is it awesome? Oh...it's more awesome than I ever imagined it to be.I know I'm a geek but the fact that all my favorite things are returning makes me really giddy. Is it bad that I'm more excited about these things than prom?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Big news!

So after weeks of stressing and picking between colleges, I have finally made my decision!

I will be gracing the one and only Boston University with my presence this fall! After studying for two years in the College of General Studies, I will be majoring in screenwriting (with hopefully a minor in film and creative writing) at the College of Communications, joining the ranks of Geena Davis, Mariel Hemingway, and Jonathan Goldsmith, aka:

That's right, I'm going to the same school as the Most Interesting Man in the World. 

Words cannot express how excited I am! It was a tough decision between Emerson and BU, both great schools for what I want to do. But after visiting BU, I felt I could see myself going there, and everyone I spoke to spoke highly of the film program. I even got a personal tour of the Communications building, and it's ah-mazing. They also have several student-produced shows that feature interviews with  people in the business, such as the True Blood and Man Men creators! Now, to convince Seth MacFarlane to come when I'm there...
Most girls love One Direction these days. I like the dude who gets paid millions to run fart jokes. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

You guys...I don't...like...cameras...


Me interviewing my friend Erika about her WISE project.

Today is Thursday!

And what's on Thursday? All my favorite shows are on? That too but it's mentor day!

Today I had a mentor meeting with the lovely Mrs. Reilly. We haven't gotten to sit down since before break so it was nice to catch up. Upon meeting with her today we discussed my presentation on May 22 (eight period which is 12:30 if you didn't catch that). I told her I wasn't really sure how I was going to present. I'm a little nervous actually. I've done all these cool things...but how to put it all into a presentation? That's the thing...I have done a lot of cool things! On my first day I didn't know what to expect...the audience is going to be like me come time of the presentation.

All in all I shouldn't be too worried. As long as I know what I'm going to say and keep it entertaining, people will be interested.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Over break I watched this little video over here and it's a good example of ADR (Additional Dialogue Recording) sessions, which is an example of what they do over at The Audio Department (though what goes on here didn't actually take place there).

Monday, April 9, 2012


Sooooooooooooo since my mother cannot attend the May 4th presentation.

New presentation will be:


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Busy Busy Busy Day

That's right...we're live blogging this.

Here I am, awake before noon on spring break ready to conquer the day. Look! I have a computer today! Today is going to be a busy day...Jess isn't here so I'll be somewhat filling in for her (and trying not to wreck her desk) which means I may be answering phone calls. Awkwardness to follow.

Already a film crew is here to interview Sarah Jessica Parker. You know how if you're really bored and you'll watch the behind-the-scenes stuff on DVDs and you'll see the interviews with the cast? Yeah...that's going down today. I went downstairs just now (to introduce myself to the coordinator of press...stuff because you know, I'm an intern, and people need me) and they have tons of stuff set up in this tiny little studio. It's also funny because they've got the black backdrop going on and those directors chairs. I'm looking at behind the scenes...of behind the scenes...

So, Sarah Jessica Parker will come in shortly after this French actor (who apparently just won the French equivalent of an Oscar, name to follow soon) to be interviewed about the movie she will be providing her voice for (and I can't share that with you because it's TOP SECRET INFORMATION). Then they'll film her pretending to be doing her voice work. After acting...acting (we are just full of wonderful Inception-like situations here) she'll actually be recording. Brendan Fraser will then come in to do his lines as well.

People will be coming in and out and things have to be perfect so it may be a crazy day here. Usually I hate chaos, but this chaos I can deal with.

Keep checking throughout the day!

10:15: So Don had to test the mics...and guess who had to do the testing? I had to go behind the mic and say actual lines. It's weird. I had the clip infront of me, then after three beeps I had to exclaim then say a line. Needless to say I was totally off. It's so awkward and I felt weird, but that's why they're paying actors to do it...not me. Hey, I can now add "Sarah Jessica Parker Stand-in" to my resume....

10:55: Just tested again. This time it went much smoother...we had a second set of beeps so I knew exactly when to speak the line.

In animation, the talents are usually recorded first before the animation. Today the whole movie is pretty much finished, they're just recording simple reactions and things, like a gasp or a grunt.

Gah! So Sarah Jessica Parker just arrived, and of course I was cleaning in the room across so I didn't get to say hi! BUT ALAS, I will have more chances...

Indeed I do. Just handed her a copy of the script. She has this entire posse going on, people from the production company or what not. I just walked in like: "Heeeey I have a copy of a script? Does she need it?" At this point I have no idea if I should say Sarah Jessica Parker so I just said she. A lot of chaos but I guess she already had a script with he, and was confused when I handed it to her, but someone stepped in and I slowly walked out. Oh awkward me.

Playing the waiting game.
OK OK SOO just met Brendan Fraser. And I mean met him. He called me "Niece Intern Grace."  I showed him to his stash of Red Bull, then my aunt tells me he told her I was a "good student." So I'm leading Brendan Fraser to his Red Bull, when he gets one he goes: "Shouldn't you be telling me, 'No Brendan don't have another one!'" I just laughed because I had no idea as to what he was even talking about. But he was talking to me!  He asked if anyone else was in the recording studio, which I mistakenly told him just Don...when actually there were several. So many people walking in and out today...live and learn I suppose.

So I guess Brendan Fraser likes Red Bull

Also I had some redemption with Sarah Jessica Parker. I asked her to sign her time sheet and she smiled and me and thanked me. Mhm. Professional. She's actually really tiny in person, even with these giant high heels on. Actually, there were so many people around her she just looked tiny in comparison. But she's so sweet! She thanked us and said goodbye, she was eating chips too and talking about Kim Kardashian, and assured us that our bathroom was just fine to use. Pretty cool. And she had some really nice clothes...