Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today we will blog about:

Again we ask ourselves..where do we begin?

Why are you interning at an audio facility when you're into writing?
If you have read my first post (which you should have seeing how it is very informative) I want to go into the whole media biz. In college I am most likely interning and working with writing and studios. If my main goal in life is to do everything, why not try something different? This is my WISE project, it's time to expand my horizons, especially when it comes to the things I enjoy. Through my internship I will get to see how things are recorded, see scripts, and even see some editing. If you want to know how things work, you have to look behind the scenes.

But Grace, you won't be interning every week! What will you do?
Well, I'll be meeting with my mentor (did I mention that it is the fierce Ms. Reilly?). I also decided I would post things about writing and film. 

But why writing and film?
Well, I was always making up stories, whether I realized it or not. As a young child I was always playing pretend with either my imaginary friends, my cousin, or my toys (otherwise, I worked strictly alone). 
When I entered the 7th grade, the act of actually acting out my stories in the privacy of my room started to fade away. Twas time to pursue a new medium of story-telling: writing. But here's the thing about a 13-year-old:
Writer Leopard speaks the truth.

In the 8th grade I really began writing, although it was mostly non-fiction. 8th grade was great because we focused a lot on creative writing. I wrote a small memoir and my teacher liked it so much, she wanted me to submit it to a contest, which I did...and lost. 

After that I realized that maybe I had something going here, that maybe I'm not that bad at writing. Did I enjoy it? Yes. Yes I did.

But then came high school. 
Up until 11th grade I was not writing anything creatively. I wrote mostly essays and wasn't motivated to do anything more. 

But in 11th grade I took Creative Writing and rediscovered my love for writing. I looked forward to the class every day, and go really into it. I was constantly fixing my stories, striving for perfection. When I wasn't writing I was thinking of new plot points or new stories entirely. And unlike math, I was actually enjoying myself. 

I wanted to go into film, possibly be a director, but I was still unsure if I was ready to major in full-time film in college. I wanted to create my own films because if anyone were to make my stories into films, only I would want to make them (sorry J.J. Abrams, not even you). 

Since I found my writing mojo again, I want to begin by combining my two favorite things: writing and media. Both have to do with story telling. 

"When once the itch of literature comes over a man, nothing can cure it but the scratching of a pen. But if you have not a pen, I suppose you must scratch any way you can."
Samuel Lover
So if you love writing and film, why don't you write a screenplay?
You see, I thought about doing that. But I am a very busy gal. When I'm not legally obligated to attend school, I'm babysitting, working Human Rights Club, driving my siblings everywhere, doing some kind of thing for soccer, and let us not forget, sleeping. 

I have so much to learn about writing a screenplay, as well as how an entire television show is created and how a movie is made. So why not make my research part of my project? And why not apply what I have learned? Instead of doing a major piece of work on something I didn't have an efficient amount of knowledge in, I will document me gaining knowledge, and some practice pieces. 

You should just keep coming back every day, you never know what you'll find. 

So why do you love the things that you do?
Why do I love writing? Writing means something different to everyone, and for me, it's a way of releasing my emotions. Sometimes my brain gets too stuffy and crowded and we need to let things go. When I write, I am distracted from whatever is bugging me and lose myself in a story, or ways to release my emotions through a poem. It's very therapeutic. Is my spelling and grammar suckish? Yes. Am I a perfect writer? Not even close. What matters to me is that I create something new. That could be a new world completely, or a new person. Sometimes it doesn't have to be a story, any good piece of writing can do the trick.

"I just write what I wanted to write. I write what amuses me. It's totally for myself. I never in my wildest dreams expected this popularity."J. K. Rowling

Same goes with reading, film, and TV. I love getting lost into a story. A good story is one that leaves you thinking and puts something into a new perspective. That's why I love English class so much. I love reading a great piece of literature and trying to decode why the author uses the techniques that they do and what message about life they are trying to say. 

Look at this, I have written quite a lot today. Job well done Grace Michaud. Job well done. Watch, in the middle of the night I'll remember that I forgot to say something and will log on to add it. It happens. All the time. 

Tomorrow I have my first meeting with Ms. Reilly. We will probably talk about my upcoming plans and goals. After all...I start my internship in two days!

Until then...


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