Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Because I Cannot Let Down Vick!

This here is Vick, the man who started WISE and the reason why I am writing today. Seriously, he is the happiest man on Earth, as well as deeply passionate. Today at the WISE conference he instructed us all to write in our journals. So I won't let Vick down. I can't... I won't.

Me and the horror-movie crew climbed mountains and rain to get to a high school near New Paltz. Why make a potentially fatal journey? The 21st Annual WISE conference! Sadly we could not stay for too long since we live an hour and a half away, but what we did witness was very insightful.

Everyone there seemed to have a clear agenda and had pretty cool projects (one girl was doing a lip-dub...genius), and it motivated me to write...A TO DO LIST! I know that is just what you all hoped I would do, I bet you are all smiling now in satisfaction:

  1. Schedule my presentation (this is of utmost importance).
  2. INTERVIEWS (I need three people....three...people...)
  3. Plan my presentation (Because as of now, I don't know how I'm going to approach this...any ideas?)
  4. Blog more (I have so many entries I want to do but not enough time or motivation...curse you school)
  5. Don't freak out.

Good. We're making progress. 

This is why I love WISE...I am completely in charge of it, and the only person yelling at me to get my stuff done is, well, me. Also, blogging about stuff you love is my homework. When we walked in (because the party don't start till Somers walks in), I managed to hear Vick speak about how WISE is more than just a "box." It's true. As seniors, we should be allowed to "cut holes in the box" because we're about to go out in the real world soon, and the real world isn't going to force us to sit down in a desk in a cramped classroom, making us memorize fact after fact. No. Real life is about getting out there and discovering things on our own. No grades. Just experience. That's why WISE is so important I think. I'm at this point in my life where I'm like: OK. I'm sick of hearing about things that are planned out for us to learn. I'm ready to get out there and try different things, see different things. 
Because if we don't, we could fall on our butts. 

I think I just found a part of my presentation just there. 

Pew. One slide down. 
Also at the conference I was amazed at how many people did volunteer or awareness projects. One girl organized a blood drive (and a bat flew in during it, I mean is that not the most hilarious thing you have ever heard?) and one organized a benefit concert. Hearing them makes them look at yourself in the mirror and ask what you're doing with your life. One kid was even doing skydiving for his project. Isn't that just amazing?

The trip was also a lot of fun, besides being very motivational, (because any day you get to miss APES, is a good one) everyone was very lively and a lot of students were participating in the discussion. It was too bad we couldn't stick around to interact with other students but it is quite alright. Thanks to the greatest WISE teachers Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Ferraro, we all got to sit down and eat pizza. Like, what's better than eating pizza? Nothing. 

Also, the whole bus ride was very similar to a horror movie (in the middle of nowhere, cloudy day, got lost, you know) and we all decided what actors we want playing in our movie (because it WILL happen):
Clearly, Nic Cage should play me.
Anyway, fun day. My best friend in the entire world, Erica Liu made a great vlog about the day, and I think you should check it out right hur: . This girl will be the next Glen Keane.

It was also a great day because my other really good friend Erika Panzerino gave me a whole bag of Tostitos. For reasons unknown (and many failed attempts on both of our parts) I can't access her WISE blog, but she's doing her reworked version of Antigone for her WISE project, and you should see it on May 3rd!

This girl is a blonde Wonder Woman.

I just really love chips...this and the pizza just made my day. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You know what I miss? Video rental stores.

But Grace, you have Netflix and you love that thing more than your own dog! I know! It's perfect when you want to watch a television show, or some obscure movie, but they don't have all movies, and it get really annoying to wait in the mail for a movie. What if you want to watch a movie RIGHT. THIS. SECOND? I used to love video rental dad would go get pizza and pick up a movie. On rainy or snowy days I was down at the video store. But now, thanks to on-demand, they don't exist anymore. And it sucks. On-demand most of the time has recent movies or movies that are always on TV anyway, and I'm not paying for movie channels. Video rental stores were there to get it right now. But alas, the world of media is changing, and pretty soon, will we even have DVDs anymore?

Just wanted to point this out, since all weekend I just wanted to watch this one movie and it took me days to find. Days.

Anyway tomorrow is the WISE conference! We'll be cramming into a short bus, on our way to becoming wiser. WISER. Get it? Oh my goodness I am so funny sometimes I'm like an odd number because I can't even...

Friday, March 23, 2012

That's right Josh Hutcherson. Oh my God.

I went to see The Hunger Games last night, if you haven't already read my previous post. I believe I said that I have high expectations.

I am pleased to say that my expectations were met. Holy fish paste Batman! For one, it felt like a movie, not a movie based on a book but a movie. You know what I'm saying?

Now, I won't give away anything, just in case anyone has not read the books (but I expect you to have read them by my next journal entry) or seen the movie, so I'll try to go vague here. 

While The Hunger Games is a powerful book, the movie got more emotion out of me. It's because I have a visual. To read about poverty is one thing, but to actually see it takes a real toll out of you. Makes it more believable. Watching District 12 come to life made me understand more the suffering that Katniss and the people of her District went through. I found myself asking: Imagine if I lived there? I couldn't take it. Seeing children kill other children also made the movie more intense. When reading the book I imagine everyone as children, but they still in some way look like adults. In this we see kids as young as 12 die. And when I say die, I mean brutally murdered. Not only did the visuals help me understand the horror that all these characters go through, it made me think (which in my opinion, every good piece of literature or any good film should do). I mean, their lives suck back in the Districts; is it really worth going back to, when at the Capitol they have food to eat and look nice all the time? Isn't it just worth it to die? Then I thought...well, no. Katniss keeps fighting because she has a family she loves and needs to get back to. Basically, love is the reason why we are still alive, food or no food, great life or bad life.

Still on the subject, whenever they would show the whole "media" side to the games, it was disturbing at how their mannerisms are just like ours when it comes to what we watch. Jokes are always being made to lighten the mood when it's just masking the seriousness, and we find ourselves craving drama. The Hunger Games exposes how the media can brainwash us, it's just done in an extreme way. At one point, when this character dies, my audience was cheering and I just wanted to shout: NO! YOU ARE JUST GIVING THE CAPITOL WHAT THEY WANT! Though they were all too happy at the Breaking Dawn trailer and not enough during The Avengers...
Tony Stark is not amused.

The movie was true to the book in every good way. When it wasn't like the book, it fit the story anyway. We see not just Katniss's perspective like in the book, but we see what it's like from the point-of-view of the Gamemakers. It all added depth to this world and I enjoyed it. Everything else was just like the book, and paced perfectly where one part didn't go on forever or wasn't too short.

Jennifer Lawrence. That girl IS Katniss Everdeen. She completely melted into the role and created Katniss. I didn't find myself critiquing her acting or appearance, I fully believed she was Katniss. Perfection. She was kick-ass and she showed emotion (unlike some people who rhyme with Tristin Poowert). Everyone else was great too. I know a lot of people were iffy about Josh Hutcherson, but I thought he played a convincing Peeta (see, now you get why I brought pita chips don't you?). I've seen him in so many movies before this one though, I thought I wouldn't un-see that. Did I mention I have an autograph picture of him from when I was 12?

Because I do.
Gary Ross, you have done a great job my friend. You really have. All of your choices were the right ones, and you went and made a movie that is true to the tone of the books and didn't sell out to create some awful blockbuster (I'M LOOKING AT YOU MICHAEL BAY. TAKE NOTE HERE). PS: That soundtrack was fantastic. 

Hm. You know, I wish that my mind could be connected to this blog because as I was driving home I had everything planned out for what I had to say. Now I forget most. This is a problem.

*Interesting little thing. Ever since Liam Neeson came in to re-record lines, I always seem to notice when a line is higher and said with more force in a movie. I can tell now if someone recorded over. In The Hunger Games I can say I didn't notice it, so either they never had to record (which I doubt) or they just did a really good job mixing. 

Well you should see The Hunger Games right now. You should. I'm serious. Get up and go see it. You won't be sorry. If you like gore, then you'll enjoy this movie. If you like romance, then you too will like this movie. If you like drunk guys with awful hair, this movie is for you too. Don't let the teenage obsession thing fool you. The Hunger Games is so much more than some teenage craze, and I wish it didn't seem like that. I truly believe this movie and these books are similar to Harry Potter in that teens and adults can enjoy them, no matter if you're a bigger reader or not. It honestly has a story that is so relevant today, and it should seriously be discussed as if you were discussing Hemingway in English class. 

Overall thoughts:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do you know what today is?
Do ya?
Do ya?


That's right. At 12 am, I will be going to see The Hunger Games. For all who live under a rock, The Hunger Games is a book by Suzanne Collins (who was a writer for classic 90s Nick shows like Clarissa Explains It All). It's about this futuristic world where North America is now split into 12 different Districts, and then the Capitol, which rules them all. No one is allowed to visit other Districts, and each one is assigned a certain trade. That's where we meet Katniss Everdeen. In District 12, a District centered around coal-mining.
Played by the lovely Jennifer Lawrence
Each year two teens, a boy and a girl, are selected from each District to play in a fight to the death: The Hunger Games. Katniss Everdeen is one of them. The games symbolize the Capitol's control over the Districts, since years ago there was an uprising.

It's an excellent book., I highly recommend reading the first two (for the third is a letdown) if you're like me and sick of reading about teenage romance and "teenage problems." It's refreshing to read about a girl who, when thrust into the good-life after years of poverty, doesn't go "OOO PRETTY THINGS!" No. This girl knows it's all an illusion, that her main focus is to survive. She's not some spoiled brat, and she doesn't complain.

The books are also extremely relevant. It portrays how we let the media control us, how when faced with death, we will do anything to survive. Anything. It's powerful.

And so, if you haven't read the book, I strongly suggest you do. And how will it be as a movie? I'm hoping amazing, because it looks amazing.

I got my PEETA chips ready...

Now I have high expectations. It seems like yesterday they were casting. If it's done in a rush to just get it in theaters, then we've got Twilight. But if we have a well-thought out movie that is true to the books, then we've got Harry Potter here. Collins has created this world, and the movie needs to not only capture that, but expand on that. 

It's a tough job. Gary Ross, the director, has a lot on his shoulders. You know people are going to go see your movie, because it's highly anticipated and a highly beloved book. You better make a good movie or you'll never work in the business again. Remind me to never take on that responsibility. I'd rather create my own pieces of work through trial and error.  

With that in mind, my friends and I are all now sitting around, waiting for it to be midnight! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Have you ever noticed good movies come out until May after the Oscars? It's like all freshman student films get thrown into the mix because the big guys are finished. It's really quite sad. I suppose because it is spring, and people don't go to the movies often. Or Hollywood is very picky about everything being in the right season (blockbusters go in summer, award winning movies go in winter).

But wait.

The Hunger Games

Guys, we have three more days until the midnight showing.

There. is. hope!

In other ranting news, why does Hollywood feel the need to remake everything? It's cool at first if you do a really good job, (Thanks J.J. Abrams!) but then it gets to the point where you're like:

Really? This happened?
Just come up with some good ideas! Has creativity been that slacking? I feel like (besides Harry Potter) there haven't been any really good movies in the past few years. I mean, this is coming from a girl who hated  Avatar. 

Why do I mention this do you ask? Because this happened. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Alas, Disappointment

So after babysitting till 2 in the morning last night, I managed to wake up at 6:30 bright and early to make my way down to the set.

Alas, we have disappointment my friends.

I got there and kind of just walked on, there were tons of trucks and equipment, also a giant catering tent outside of King Kone. This guy named Patrick who I believe was one of the production managers, told me no because of liability reasons, and that is was a "closed set" (even though I just walked right on). But he did say I could leave my contact info with them to see if any opportunities do arrive, so not a wasted effort. It was still cool to see everything from the outside, like the trucks full of equipment and people walking around. I met a stand-in who was ranting how his scene got cut from New York I Love You. Somewhat interesting.

Hey at least I tried right?

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wish me luck!

If any of you Somers people read the Somers Record ( you know, that newspaper we get every Thursday in the mail written by people I have never of?) then you may have heard that Paul Giamatti and Paul Rudd will be filming at a Michaud family favorite restaurant, Muscoot Inn. The film is called Lucky Dog, an independent film (but hopeful for bigger production company to buy it) slated for 2013 release. It's about two French Canadians trying to sell Christmas trees in New York City. Phil Morrison is directing (he directed Junebug in which Amy Adams won an Oscar). What's funny is that one of the guys at my internship, Doug, was telling us how he's knows Paul Rudd, and was having dinner with both of them the other night to discuss French Canadian culture and terms.

So why do I mention this? Well I emailed the author of the article to see if there was anyway I could come on set, whether to help or even just ask some questions to observe. Well he emailed the production company, and the assistant locator replied that (no guarantees) but that there is a chance I may be able to get in! I have to come super early, and apparently they're a little touchy about who will come, but hopefully if I play my cards right, I'll be super charming to the point where they have to let me in.

I MEAN IT'S PAUL RUDD. PAUL RUDD. HE IS ADORABLE. And Paul Giamatti is a pretty big actor wouldn't you say? And they're filming at this restaurant my family and I frequently go's fate I tell you! This could be a HUGE experience for me, to see how a film is made. If I don't get to stay long, I hope they'll let me ask the script supervisor or some of the crew some questions.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ah, finally. It took me a month to make, then three days to figure out how to post it, since Blogger apparently is scared of big files. Oh well. Here is my first vlog from my first day. It's eight minutes long and I'm awkward as usual. But hey, it's always good to get practice in right? And check out that Batman shirt. That's an awesome shirt...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You know what I love? Being in the city when it's 70 degrees out. Sure I was inside most of the time, but when I was outside, it was so nice. So. Nice.

Today I returned to the Audio Department after a long hiatus. I feel the need to document my day. Well, to save money on parking, I had my good old Dad drive me into the train station this morning, even though that meant I had to wake up even earlier than I do for school. But that's ok, because Dad paid for my train ticket as well. This is a win-win situation. But alas, after appreciating that I was awake to see all the commuters asleep with their mouths open in coma-like fashion, I got into the city around 8:30 am. Now Audio Department doesn't function until 9. So you know what I did? I got pancakes. I sat all by myself facing a window, eating pancakes. I knew it was going to be a good day.

What did I do today? Well I'm glad I asked myself. I got to staple things, and I got to use the copier, and the fax machine, and I got to order someone's lunch, and I got to deliver copies of things I copied...with the copier
Don let me sit in on one of his over the phone sessions, or ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), for the Survivor Player of the Week Promo (now I am sworn to secrecy that I can't reveal who the players of the week'll just have to watch like everyone else). 

Despite the recording being done over the phone, I was amazing at how crystal clear it was, as if the talent (who was Bill Lloyd) was right behind the glass. It was weird going from casual to professional, like in just one breath he turned into that voice you hear in commercials. And he said "hi" to me. It was like hearing my name in a promo. I had the sensation that I was on TV. Only I wasn't.

The whole process was cool, seeing how the script is recorded live to actually placing it in a promo. At times Don and the producer thought Bill was going too loud, and he did another take. I could not tell the difference. It was fast either way. Don was also busy recording some things for a kids show called Team Umizoomi. We were expecting the talent to be a kid, when he was actually a grown adult. As you can imagine, hilarity ensued. I followed Jess and Kyle around as they tried to solve a testing problem for a different ISDN session (which is  done in this space no bigger than a closet with tons of machinery, that's where the dialing is done and on either side of the room is a speaker that is either connected to the recording session or one of the studios) as well. The guy on the other line...was singing. And it wasn't like he was singing Aerosmith or, he was singing You Are My Sunshine. It was the weirdest moment of the day. 

My Aunt and I also took a lunch break to walk around while it was lovely out. We went into the Time Warner building, then got ice cream and walked outside of Central Park to get back. Ugh, how I love New York when the weather is perfect. Ugh how I love ice cream.

And I swear I saw Montel Williams. I 'm serious.

Well I truly enjoyed myself today! Liam Neeson is supposed to come back next week, hopefully I can go. And Sarah Jessica Parker is coming in over Spring Break so I look forward to that too! Dang! Look at me, meeting celebrities! This is more exciting than the time I saw Shamu! 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Has it been a week already? Oh my goodness I'm slacking. Believe me, I am not happy about this.

Tomorrow I'll be returning back to the lovely folks over at the Audio Department to sit in on a voice over session. Cannot wait.
And I don't know what I love more, that's it's warm or that it's raining

Also, remember that "first vlog" I said I made after my first day on the job? Well I'm proud to say that as of 2:15 this afternoon, I finished it. I presume it exported smoothly (given that no one ignored my "exporting, please do not touch" sign). It's eight minutes long and awkward. I know you are all ripping your hair out in anticipation. You'll still have to wait till Wednesday when I'm back in school to post it.

So a quick update and hopefully I'll have a nice long post tomorrow!

On a side note, instead of doing English homework I did not know was due, I finished one of the best shows ever made, Arrested Development. If you have Netflix, you should seriously check it out. It's smart, it's hilarious, and did I mention that I love every single person in the cast? Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, David Cross, Michael Cera, Jeffrey Tambor, Jessica Walter, Ron Howard, Portia de Rossi...all so awesome.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In honor of this clearly special day

I give you 18 awesome things that you should watch in no particular order.

2. Avatar the Last Airbender
3. Every Christopher Nolan movie ever made ever
4. Iron Man
5. Every X-Men movie ever
6. Spirited Away
7. Ever 90s Disney Movie
8. Hey Arnold
9. Napoleon Dynamite
10. Harry Potter. Mhm.
11. Family Guy
12. Gilmore Girls
13. Hellboy
14. House
15. Mean Girls
16. Midnight in Paris
17. Psycho
18. JJ Abram's Star Trek

Now the list could go on but today, because it is today, are sticking strictly to eighteen. I suggest these titles because, well, I consider them to be very good and very well made. That is all.