Tuesday, March 13, 2012

You know what I love? Being in the city when it's 70 degrees out. Sure I was inside most of the time, but when I was outside, it was so nice. So. Nice.

Today I returned to the Audio Department after a long hiatus. I feel the need to document my day. Well, to save money on parking, I had my good old Dad drive me into the train station this morning, even though that meant I had to wake up even earlier than I do for school. But that's ok, because Dad paid for my train ticket as well. This is a win-win situation. But alas, after appreciating that I was awake to see all the commuters asleep with their mouths open in coma-like fashion, I got into the city around 8:30 am. Now Audio Department doesn't function until 9. So you know what I did? I got pancakes. I sat all by myself facing a window, eating pancakes. I knew it was going to be a good day.

What did I do today? Well I'm glad I asked myself. I got to staple things, and I got to use the copier, and the fax machine, and I got to order someone's lunch, and I got to deliver copies of things I copied...with the copier
Don let me sit in on one of his over the phone sessions, or ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network), for the Survivor Player of the Week Promo (now I am sworn to secrecy that I can't reveal who the players of the week are...you'll just have to watch like everyone else). 

Despite the recording being done over the phone, I was amazing at how crystal clear it was, as if the talent (who was Bill Lloyd) was right behind the glass. It was weird going from casual to professional, like in just one breath he turned into that voice you hear in commercials. And he said "hi" to me. It was like hearing my name in a promo. I had the sensation that I was on TV. Only I wasn't.

The whole process was cool, seeing how the script is recorded live to actually placing it in a promo. At times Don and the producer thought Bill was going too loud, and he did another take. I could not tell the difference. It was fast either way. Don was also busy recording some things for a kids show called Team Umizoomi. We were expecting the talent to be a kid, when he was actually a grown adult. As you can imagine, hilarity ensued. I followed Jess and Kyle around as they tried to solve a testing problem for a different ISDN session (which is  done in this space no bigger than a closet with tons of machinery, that's where the dialing is done and on either side of the room is a speaker that is either connected to the recording session or one of the studios) as well. The guy on the other line...was singing. And it wasn't like he was singing Aerosmith or something...no, he was singing You Are My Sunshine. It was the weirdest moment of the day. 

My Aunt and I also took a lunch break to walk around while it was lovely out. We went into the Time Warner building, then got ice cream and walked outside of Central Park to get back. Ugh, how I love New York when the weather is perfect. Ugh how I love ice cream.

And I swear I saw Montel Williams. I 'm serious.

Well I truly enjoyed myself today! Liam Neeson is supposed to come back next week, hopefully I can go. And Sarah Jessica Parker is coming in over Spring Break so I look forward to that too! Dang! Look at me, meeting celebrities! This is more exciting than the time I saw Shamu! 

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