Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Because I Cannot Let Down Vick!

This here is Vick, the man who started WISE and the reason why I am writing today. Seriously, he is the happiest man on Earth, as well as deeply passionate. Today at the WISE conference he instructed us all to write in our journals. So I won't let Vick down. I can't... I won't.

Me and the horror-movie crew climbed mountains and rain to get to a high school near New Paltz. Why make a potentially fatal journey? The 21st Annual WISE conference! Sadly we could not stay for too long since we live an hour and a half away, but what we did witness was very insightful.

Everyone there seemed to have a clear agenda and had pretty cool projects (one girl was doing a lip-dub...genius), and it motivated me to write...A TO DO LIST! I know that is just what you all hoped I would do, I bet you are all smiling now in satisfaction:

  1. Schedule my presentation (this is of utmost importance).
  2. INTERVIEWS (I need three people....three...people...)
  3. Plan my presentation (Because as of now, I don't know how I'm going to approach this...any ideas?)
  4. Blog more (I have so many entries I want to do but not enough time or motivation...curse you school)
  5. Don't freak out.

Good. We're making progress. 

This is why I love WISE...I am completely in charge of it, and the only person yelling at me to get my stuff done is, well, me. Also, blogging about stuff you love is my homework. When we walked in (because the party don't start till Somers walks in), I managed to hear Vick speak about how WISE is more than just a "box." It's true. As seniors, we should be allowed to "cut holes in the box" because we're about to go out in the real world soon, and the real world isn't going to force us to sit down in a desk in a cramped classroom, making us memorize fact after fact. No. Real life is about getting out there and discovering things on our own. No grades. Just experience. That's why WISE is so important I think. I'm at this point in my life where I'm like: OK. I'm sick of hearing about things that are planned out for us to learn. I'm ready to get out there and try different things, see different things. 
Because if we don't, we could fall on our butts. 

I think I just found a part of my presentation just there. 

Pew. One slide down. 
Also at the conference I was amazed at how many people did volunteer or awareness projects. One girl organized a blood drive (and a bat flew in during it, I mean is that not the most hilarious thing you have ever heard?) and one organized a benefit concert. Hearing them makes them look at yourself in the mirror and ask what you're doing with your life. One kid was even doing skydiving for his project. Isn't that just amazing?

The trip was also a lot of fun, besides being very motivational, (because any day you get to miss APES, is a good one) everyone was very lively and a lot of students were participating in the discussion. It was too bad we couldn't stick around to interact with other students but it is quite alright. Thanks to the greatest WISE teachers Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Ferraro, we all got to sit down and eat pizza. Like, what's better than eating pizza? Nothing. 

Also, the whole bus ride was very similar to a horror movie (in the middle of nowhere, cloudy day, got lost, you know) and we all decided what actors we want playing in our movie (because it WILL happen):
Clearly, Nic Cage should play me.
Anyway, fun day. My best friend in the entire world, Erica Liu made a great vlog about the day, and I think you should check it out right hur: . This girl will be the next Glen Keane.

It was also a great day because my other really good friend Erika Panzerino gave me a whole bag of Tostitos. For reasons unknown (and many failed attempts on both of our parts) I can't access her WISE blog, but she's doing her reworked version of Antigone for her WISE project, and you should see it on May 3rd!

This girl is a blonde Wonder Woman.

I just really love chips...this and the pizza just made my day. 

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