Sunday, March 18, 2012

Alas, Disappointment

So after babysitting till 2 in the morning last night, I managed to wake up at 6:30 bright and early to make my way down to the set.

Alas, we have disappointment my friends.

I got there and kind of just walked on, there were tons of trucks and equipment, also a giant catering tent outside of King Kone. This guy named Patrick who I believe was one of the production managers, told me no because of liability reasons, and that is was a "closed set" (even though I just walked right on). But he did say I could leave my contact info with them to see if any opportunities do arrive, so not a wasted effort. It was still cool to see everything from the outside, like the trucks full of equipment and people walking around. I met a stand-in who was ranting how his scene got cut from New York I Love You. Somewhat interesting.

Hey at least I tried right?

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